Elijah Ramos
Raised in a Christian family, Elijah always felt the pull of God on his heart—even while living with one foot in the world. But eventually, exhausted by the vain pursuit of empty and fleeting treasures, he was led by the Holy Spirit to the point of full surrender and trust in his heavenly Father. Believing the words of Jesus to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, Elijah redirected all his energy into a relationship with the Father. The result was a journey with Jesus beyond what he could have ever imagined. Spurred to action by the reality of Christ’s soon coming and a revelation of the beauty of God’s character, he has committed his life to spreading this message and preparing a people to meet their God in the clouds. Says Elijah, “There are so many souls perishing in a world without hope; they need to know that the same peace and joy God offered me, He also desires to give to them.” Elijah, his wife Audrey, and their two young children are humbled by the opportunity to take part in the joy and labor of their blessed Redeemer.